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About me

I started with photography in 2006 for fun but since 2012 it's my whole life. I am a great lover of traditional analog photography and a scholar of ancient techniques and experimentation in the photochemical field. I also create fairly complex photographic emulsions and use only silver for my works, one of the most durable materials in photography since photography is art and as such it must offer exclusivity, quality and durability. My portraits, my landscapes will have to stand the test of time unlike today's digital images and so I offer silver images, a beautiful metal that manages to remain intact for centuries just like the origins of photography. I basically deal with portrait and landscape photography but I work in various sectors such as events, ceremonies, still life with my unique and unmistakable techniques. I have written several books, including technical ones, and I willingly dedicate myself to experimentation. I use ancient instrumentation, large format cameras.

Al lavoro a Piazza Università di Catania.jpg

Tel. +39 3774041353

Rosario Patane

via Romeo 31, 95024 Acireale (CT)

©2023 by Rosario Patanè.

Partita IVA: 04109220139

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